Salmon, The Giver Of Life

At Queen Mary Elementary we raised Chum Salmon in a tank and took them to the river to grow.

This is our song: I Am a Salmon Fry

Sandi Hollick delivers Chum Salmon eggs to the class

Students study salmon as they grow

Grade 5 Teacher, Maria King, shows students how to set up and maintain a refrigerated tank with generous help from parent volunteers


Students learn to sing “I Am A Salmon Fry” and write their own verses in Mr. Weir’s  songwriting workshop.

Class visits Seymour Hatchery to study the influence of salmon on our environment

Hands on experience discovering the qualities of a healthy salmon stream

Students brainstorm salmon images

Student Art is displayed in the school gallery


Aerienna Bruce from the Squamish Nation visits school to teach her cultural perspective of Salmon, The Giver Of Life,  telling the  “Salmon Boy” story and showing students how to draw with Coastal Indigenous style.

Props are created to help perform “I Am A Salmon Fry”

Grade 5 students teach their new  knowledge to other grades as they visit their tank to watch the salmon grow

When Salmon Fry are mature they are taken down to the Spanish Banks Salmon Stream where they are gently released to start their journey

Dick Scarth of the Spanish Banks StreamKeepers teaches salmon migration with a game that has the students wearing magnets on their noses as they travel a route that their salmon fry might take in the Pacific Northwest.

Students create actions to choreograph their performance and music video

A music video is made with help from film maker Daniel Holmes

ArtStarts is a society that creates Relationships between Artists and Educational Institutions by bringing them together in the form of workshops, exhibitions and performances.  ArtStarts has been enriching lives for 20 years. And would like to for the next 20 years.  Mr. Weir is proud to be a part of this society.

Contact: or 604 352 forty forty